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Arbitration Agreement


"...A dispute having arisen between the Parties concerning [___Referred_contract_and_dispute_issue___](hereinafter referred as 'the Dispute'); The Parties hereby agree that the Dispute shall be submitted to the [___Arbitration_Institution___] and shall be finally resolved by arbitration under the [___Rules___] on the terms as follows: (1) The number of arbitrators shall be [___one/three___]; (2) The seat, or legal place, of arbitration shall be [___City_and/or_Country___];..."

Arbitration Clause


"...All disputes or claims arising out of or in connection with this contract, including disputes relating to its existence, validity, breach or termination, shall be submitted to the [___Arbitration_Institution___] and shall be finally resolved by arbitration under the [___Rules___], which Rules are deemed to be incorporated by reference into this clause. The parties hereby agree that: (1) The number of arbitrators shall be [___one/three___]; (2) The seat, or legal place, of arbitration shall be [___City and/or Country___];..."

Arbitration Clause (Ad Hoc)


"...All disputes or claims arising out of or in connection with this contract, including disputes relating to its existence, validity, breach or termination, shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration in accordance with the UNCITRAL ­Arbitration Rules on the terms as follows: (1) The appointing authority shall be [___Institution_or_Person]; (2) The number of arbitrators shall be [___one/three___]; (3) The seat, or legal place, of arbitration shall be [___City_and/or_Country___];..."

Arbitration Clause (Expedited)


"...All disputes or claims arising out of or in connection with this contract, including disputes relating to its existence, validity, breach or termination, shall be submitted to the [___Arbitration_Institution___] on the terms as follows: (1) The [___Arbitration_Institution___] Rules for Expedited Arbitrations shall apply where the amount in dispute does not exceed [___EUR 100,000___]. Where the amount in dispute exceeds [___EUR 100,000___] the [___Arbitration_Institution___] Arbitration Rules shall apply; ..."

Commercial Lease


"...Tenant hereby accepts, the Premises (as defined below), subject to the terms and provisions set forth in the Lease. PARTIES, PREMISES, AND DEFINED TERMS1. Landlord: ________________________________________________________, a(n) ___________________________________________ [Individual, Company or Type of Entity], (the “Landlord”). 2. Tenant: ________________________________________________________, a(n) ____________________________________________ [Individual, Company, or Type of Entity], (the “Tenant”). 3. Premises: Landlord is the owner of certain real estate legally described as ________________________________________________..."

Mediation + Arbitration (combined) Clause


"...If mediation is successful, the agreement signed by the parties which conciliates the dispute will constitute a settlement between the parties settling the existing dispute or for avoiding a future dispute. A party may seek by or through any court enforcement of any reciprocal obligation arising from such settlement. In the case of failure to sign settlement agreement within [___period_of_time___] from the date when the application for the mediation was submitted or, if the mediation was not initiated, within the same period from the date when the claim arisen has been comunicated by one party to another, the dispute shall be submitted to the [___Arbitration_Institution___] and shall be finally resolved by arbitration under the [___Arbitration_Rules___] (which Rules are deemed to be incorporated by reference into this clause) on the terms as follows:..."

Mediation Clause


"...All disputes or claims arising out of or in connection with this contract shall be submitted to a procedure of mediation by [___Mediation_Institution___] in accordance with the [___Mediation_Rules___] which Rules are in force at the date of filing of the application for mediation – conducted by a sole mediator selected and appointed by the [___Mediation_Institution___]. If mediation is successful, the agreement signed by the parties which conciliates the dispute will constitute a settlement between the parties settling the existing dispute or for avoiding a future dispute. A party may seek by or through any court enforcement of any reciprocal obligation arising from such settlement...."

Service Agreement


"... hereinafter jointly referred to as the “Parties” and each individually as the “Party”. 1. SUBJECT MATTER 1.1. According to the terms and conditions of the agreement the Contractor shall render to Client the services on lease of conference hall and food service for promotional event held on ----------- 20--- at the address: ----------------------- (hereinafter the “Services”), and Client shall accept and pay for the Services. 1.2. The terms of the event: --------------- 20--- from 13-00 till 16-00. 2. FEES AND PAYMENTS. ACCEPTANCE OF SERVICES 2.1. The total value of Services provided by the Contractor within the terms of the Agreement equals --------------- UAH..."

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