Комбіноване (медіація + арбітраж) застереження в контракті (англ.): All disputes or claims arising out of or in connection with this contract shall be submitted to a procedure of mediation by [___Mediation_Institution___] in accordance with the [___Mediation_Rules___] which Rules are in force at the date of filing of the application for mediation – conducted by a sole mediator selected and appointed by the [___Mediation_Institution___]. If mediation is successful, the agreement signed by the parties which conciliates the dispute will constitute a settlement between the parties settling the existing dispute or for avoiding a future dispute. A party may seek by or through any court enforcement of any reciprocal obligation arising from such settlement. In the case of failure to sign settlement agreement within [___period_of_time___] from the date when the application for the mediation was submitted or, if the mediation was not initiated, within the same period from the date when the claim arisen has been comunicated by one party to another, the dispute shall be submitted to the [___Arbitration_Institution___] and shall be finally resolved by arbitration under the [___Arbitration_Rules___] (which Rules are deemed to be incorporated by reference into this clause) on the terms as follows: (1) The number of arbitrators shall be [___one/three___]; (2) The seat, or legal place, of arbitration shall be [___City_and/or_Country___]; (3) The language to be used in the arbitral proceedings shall be [_____________]; (4) The governing law of the contract [and substantive law applicable to the arbitration agreement] shall be the substantive law of [_______________]; (5) [___other_terms_if_needed___].