ARBITRATION AGREEMENT This arbitration agreement (hereinafter referred as 'the Agreement') is made on [____Date____] between [_______________] residing at the [____________________]/[___Business_entity_requisites___] and [_______________] residing at the [____________________]/[___Business_entity_requisites___], and the parties who have enacted the Agreement, hereinafter shall be referred to as 'the Parties'. Whereas, A dispute having arisen between the Parties concerning [___Referred_contract_and_dispute_issue___](hereinafter referred as 'the Dispute'); The Parties hereby agree that the Dispute shall be submitted to the [___Arbitration_Institution___] and shall be finally resolved by arbitration under the [___Rules___] on the terms as follows: (1) The number of arbitrators shall be [___one/three___]; (2) The seat, or legal place, of arbitration shall be [___City_and/or_Country___]; (3) The language to be used in the arbitral proceedings shall be [_____________]; (4) The substantive law applicable to the arbitration agreement shall be the substantive law of [_______________]; (5) [___other_terms_if_needed___]. [___Executed and delivered as of the date first written above___]. [___Signatures___] [___Parties_names___]